Ten WordPress Plugins For Your Website To Work Perfectly

In WordPress, there are a large number of plugins to make the platform work properly.
The plugins appeared to extend the basic functionalities, and before starting to install them, it is important that you value the ones that can add to your project.
Next, we want to highlight the functions of the plugins and how they can help you improve the performance of the design and configuration of your web page.
We propose a series of important proposals so that your website works perfectly.
10 Must-Have WordPress Plugins
Among all those at your fingertips, you can choose some for design, statistics, email marketing, social networks, security, backups, and web traffic.
However, we recommend these 10 tools to help you set up a web page of ten.
1. Woocommerce
It is ideal if you want to create a professional virtual store. Turn WordPress into an e-commerce platform to generate sales and income easily and immediately.
With this tool, you can add all kinds of products and different attributes while synchronizing them with different payment methods.
2. Wordfence Security
The objective is to increase your website’s security by including a firewall and an antivirus.
It is in charge of detecting possible errors and different modifications of the files. And if it detects a fault, you can repair it automatically.
In addition, it allows you to block specific IPs and have greater control of traffic and access to your panel.
3. Monarch
One of the most important things is to disseminate the content you provide through a blog and social networks. Therefore, achieving the maximum possible dissemination is essential. Therefore, it is important that you install this function that facilitates the task of making your brand visible.
It is a matter of making it easier for your target audience to share your content. With this tool, you can add buttons that lead to your social networks and facilitate the task of sharing content on your users’ profiles.
You can choose the place that suits you best to add the buttons, either at the entrance, at the end, or on the side.
4. Yoast SEO
It is one of the most important since it allows you to configure many web parameters related to SEO. In addition, it is of great help to achieve a good positioning in Google.
With this, you can change the slugs of the URLs to include keywords, create specific descriptions, optimize titles, un-index some sections, and analyse the quality of SEO, among other functions.
5. FV Antispam
One of the key aspects of blogging is user engagement and interaction on each post.
Despite this, many companies take advantage of visits to insert advertising abusively.
And to stand up to these practices, there are plugins like this one to avoid spam and thus avoid having to read comments that are not relevant.
6. BJ Lazy Load
Most images take a long time to upload, so you must avoid at all costs that your web page could be faster.
Users do not like to wait, and also, in this case, your customers can bet on other pages that are faster.
On the other hand, Google does not like pages that load slowly either, which is why loading speed is so important, being one of the key factors for SEO.
And in this case, this function allows to load only the images that are displayed on the visitor’s screen.
7. Cookie Law Info
It is essential to inform about the use of cookies to show that you comply with current regulations.
For this reason, this plugin is very useful since it adds a small window with text as a notice. It is very easy to install and very practical.
8. Table of Contents Plus
This function is aimed at blog users, as it allows your customers to find the information they are looking for quickly.
This way, you can find the answer to your needs in record time. It is a way for the user experience to improve.
9. WP Smush
The images must load quickly so users do not have to wait too long for me. For this reason, avoiding large files and significantly reducing this slowdown is essential.
And you can achieve it in a very simple way: compressing the images.
When using an image, it will automatically be compressed and save you a large percentage of weight. Also, the images will take less than half to load.
10. Q2W3 Fixed
Subscription forms are also necessary to attract your target audience to related articles or a small banner.
In short, plugins are essential for your website to work well and give you the necessary information. If you use them properly, you will get great results.
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