GitHub, What Is It For?

Although you’ve probably heard of this program, you’re still wondering what GitHub is.
For this reason, in this article, we will explain what it is and what it is for since it is one of the most interesting programs for web developers today.
What Is GitHub?
This is a cloud service and website intended for developers and web designers.
Its main function is to store and manage the code created securely and with the possibility of keeping track and control over any changes that occur.
In short, it is an instrument to keep your code safe, preventing it from being lost due to any failure in copying the document or on the computer. If you work on making designs in code, you will know that it takes days and even weeks to achieve the desired result, so if it is lost, the damage will be noticeable to you.
At GitHub, Two Main Factors Come Together. The First Is Version Control, And The Second Is Git.
Both factors will be explained separately to understand what it consists of fully.
1. Version Control
This control focuses, despite the redundancy, on keeping the “control version” safe. This version is the one that will help you manage and record any changes to your project.
The bigger a project gets, the more important it is to keep version control safe.
If, for example, you are designing something in WordPress, it would not be appropriate for you to work on the official code in case there was an irreversible error when modifying something.
Therefore, working on the control version will make it easier to check if the changes are appropriate without breaking the initial code.
2. Git
Git is an open-source-specific version control system created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds.
More specifically, this is a distributed version control system.
Therefore, from the complete code and the computer’s history, you can access its forks and mergers. Keep your code safe and take advantage of your work.
Now that you know what this software consists of, you can deduce that GitHub is a hosting service for repositories stored in the cloud. This will make it easier for you to use Git for version control and collaboration without risking losing your work.
In this way, it is important to understand that in professional web design tasks, this application becomes essential, more than an aid. On the other hand, its interface is easy and intuitive, allowing more and less experienced developers to use it without any problem.
Its ease of use has even led some people to use it for projects of a different nature, such as writing books.
Another of its advantages is that it is a free application, although it has different plans adapted to your needs.
So stop wondering what GitHub is and start using it to keep your projects safe easily and effectively.
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